Annual Dedication

Mr. Gordon Watkins Superintendent and Band

Mr. Dayle Burklund  World History, Secondary Boys' PE,  Secondary Girls' PE, Junior High Boys' PE,    Junior High Girls' PE, American Problems, Civics and Athletics

Mrs. Clara Timmons Physics, Chemistry, Junior High Science

Mr. Orville Wendell Social Studies 7, Shop, American History & Driers Education

Mrs. Lucille Watkins  High School Music, Junior High Music and Elementary Music


     We the Seniors of Decatur High School wish to dedicate this annual to you, Mr. Watkins, to show our appreciation for all that you have done for us in the past two years. 

     We hope this will show that your efforts have not gone unnoticed.   

Class of 1965




Mrs. Beaulah Smith  Principal, English, Library, & Scitimard Sponsor


  Mrs. Shirley Hughes  Typing, Shorthand, Business Law, Bookkeeping, Annual Sponsor

     Mrs. Ruth Dooley  General Science, Home Ec.,  & Biology


   Mrs. Ann Malloy  Junior High English, Reading, 8th Social Studies

      Mr. Eugene Voss Algebra, Math 7-8, Geometry, Assistant Coach