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50th Class Reunion for Class of 1961


Larry (Clyde) Uehling, Bill Hancock, Nancy (Gatewood) Touile, Joseph Butts, Lee Cooper


                                                         Unable to attend:  Pat (Winningham) Larson, Jary Morgan, Mick Stafford & Anita Swanson  

 Not Pictured:  Elva (Morgan) Barnett, Tanya (Farrens) Rodriguez

    Deceased Classmate:  Del Ray Stillman


At the invitation of the Honored 50 year class (1961), former Superintendent, Don McKenzie, and his wife, Phyllis, attended the 55th Annual Alumni Banquet on May 29, 2011.  Attending from the Class of 1961 were: Lee Cooper (master of ceremonies), and his wife, Linda;  Joe Butts and his wife, Pat;  Larry Uehling and his wife, Penney; Bill Hancock and his wife, Karen:  and Nancy Gatewood Touil and her husband, M'Barek.