Larry Larsen


    Information taken from May 26,1991 Decatur Alumni Banquet booklet

Occupation:  Farmer/Rancher

Spouse:  Janice (Peterson)

Children:  Rod (22) and Keven (18)

     I attended Wayne State College for two years after High School.  Janice and I were married in 1968.  We moved to Lincoln so I could continue college at U.N.L.  My major was Animal Science, which was appropriate for a cowpuncher.  After graduation from U.N.L, I completed one semester of graduate school and then an 8 year tour with the U.S. Army National Guard.

     Farming and raising Polled Herefords has always been and still is my occupation.  I started farming in 1965 while still in High School.   Also, I worked part-time as a teacher for a Farming Marketing Company from 1985-88.

     What little spare time I have is spent going to Athletic games that Rod and Keven have been participants in.  Also, I still enjoy hunting and fishing.  Lately, we have spent some time with our boat on the Mighty MO.

     I am currently in my 15th year as member of the Decatur and now the Lyons-Decatur Northeast Board of Education.  This has been a challenging but also a rewarding time.



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