Patricia Wahlers Schmidt


  Information taken from May 26,1991 Decatur Alumni Banquet booklet

Occupation:  Disabled, housewife, grandmother

Spouse:  James L.

Children:  Sarah (22), Jason (19), Cheryl (17), Bobby (11), Joey (8) and step-children:  Jimmy (26), Shanna (23), Sunnie (19) and Adnrea(12)

     After graduation I helped on the family farm and then moved to Omaha and married.  Became a Certified Nurses Aide, which I did up to five years ago.  In 1988 I fell while working at Wakefield and had back surgery.  Now I am home doing housework and playing with the five grandsons that we have.

     My hobbies are fishing, hunting, crocheting, and knitting blankets for the grandchildren or for the new babies in the family.



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